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Fiche de Eva Collen

Eva Collen Eva Collen Eva Collen Eva Collen Eva Collen Eva Collen

La fiche d'état civil de Eva Collen

Eva Collen

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Eva Collen
19998 eme koolizien(ne)
10 amis - Voir amis
0 Fans - Voir ses Fans
3593 Koolz

Intéragir avec Eva Collen

Les intéractions que tu effectues avec Eva Collen lui permettent d'améliorer son personnage et son classement sur Kooliz le jeu de mode. Dans tous les cas cela n'influence pas ton personnage. Dans ce jeu Eva Collen est une fille fan de mode.

La présentation de Eva Collen

Hii every body!! My name is eva collen and i'm 15 years old !!


First welcome in my word !! i'm a funny , faithful , friendly , kind and helpful person ... so do not be hesitate to ask me for help , i'll support you as much i can and never let you down !! If you wanna be my friend , with my pleasure you just have to add me :p !!


 I hate lies and betrayal and hypocrites people so if you have some thing to tell me just be honest and don't waste my time or yours !! Time is precious ;)


I'm a fashion addicted , i love shopping , travelling , hanging out with friends and have some fun ... Life only comes around once make sure u well enjoy it !!


I'm interested  in all types of music english and french , i like practicing sport a lot such as swimming , tennis and gym !! Dancing is one of my favorite activity ... Modern dance ballroom dance ,  break and Oriental dance !! It make me fell free .. and happy !!


I'm looking for some real friends here and why not a Partner : faithful , kind , funny , handsome  , understand and honest !! And i'll promise to love him and give the best live he deserve <3"


Finally i hope that you like my page , pass and visit me and don't forget to leave me a comment and be my fan and I'll do the same …


Love u guys !! With my love ... Eva Colleen <3'

Les commentaires envoyés à Eva Collen

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  • Eva Collen Position : 19998 eme 32 points

    Posté le 2010-08-21 22:56:28

    Allé ls amis !! Lâchez vous Commentes ^^

    By Eva <3

  • Publicité

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