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Les commentaires envoyés à belicima

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  • bella kristen Position : 83 eme 10211 points

    Posté le 2010-02-15 13:26:08

    Fan en retour ! Merci de ton passage ! bisous xoxo

  • Publicité

  • belicima Position : 3736 eme 422 points

    Posté le 2010-02-15 09:47:04

    Salut fan de toii faiis de meme et a+

  • bella kristen Position : 83 eme 10211 points

    Posté le 2009-10-31 19:08:12

    Coucou, c Bella !
    En ce soir d Halloween, je suis ta 168 eme fan et te laisse un invitation pour venir visiter ma villa, et me dire ce que tu en pense, si ca te plait, vote et deviens ma fan toi aussi !
    bisous xoxo

  • bella kristen Position : 83 eme 10211 points

    Posté le 2009-07-13 15:18:38

    La kooliz pauline14 aime trop insulter les gens.
    elle est agressive, violente et insultante.
    on est plusieurs a l avoir denoncee aux webmasters.
    Ne cautionnez pas la violence verbale sur un jeu ou les gens ne veulent que s amuser et ne pas etre attaques par des filles qui pourrissent l ambiance d un jeu sympa.
    . Car elle n est malheuresement pas la seule.
    On a tous un jour connu ca, une insulte gratuite, un mec vulgaire...
    Alors venez sur le forum, lire la regle de politesse et de respect, sur le forum bar.
    Merci, et have fun !!

  • belicima Position : 3736 eme 422 points

    Posté le 2009-07-12 20:42:02

    not surprised his ex-wife still hate it as their husband and his new wife must be careful Jeremi me and there were high and bats because of all the girls with whom ilma wrong but I support what voila

  • bella kristen Position : 83 eme 10211 points

    Posté le 2009-07-12 20:23:46

    well, actually
    it s very funny because it was the same !
    i met zac when he was married , we were just friend, but one day he asked me to marry him !!!
    i was married too, but my husband was absent all the time !!!
    So, i said yes off course ! he is my best friend here, and now my husband !
    but, his ex-wife, she s hate me now !!

  • belicima Position : 3736 eme 422 points

    Posté le 2009-07-12 20:13:28

    yes we found the first virtual love it misled me with Malviina! After I told him to choose between us and he chose me and how romantic you've found love viruel?

  • bella kristen Position : 83 eme 10211 points

    Posté le 2009-07-11 22:32:22

    ok, so english right ?
    Thanks a lot for your message, and yes im glad with zac, my husband. i hope you found love here too, virtual love of course !!
    lot of kisses and see you soon !

  • belicima Position : 3736 eme 422 points

    Posté le 2009-07-11 22:27:37

    t'en a child told them so I hope you are happy with ZAC13 and thank you for becoming my fan you can do the same for CYCYGIRL thank you

  • bella kristen Position : 83 eme 10211 points

    Posté le 2009-07-11 22:18:14

    mais je ten prie !!
    bisous et a biento !

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