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Les commentaires envoyés à jwoo

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  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-02-13 18:04:47

    e suis un Panda, oh yeaaaaaah (y)

  • Publicité

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-02-13 17:57:49

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-02-10 19:06:10

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-02-01 17:58:46

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-01-29 18:05:19

    ll' amor haz enormement del bien y su haz enoru couere
    tú no te conecte más después y su me hago tros mal e aucouere
    piedra tú me falla de mi ducan por qué yo su me hago tros male a corra


    ll' love make enormement of good and she makes enoru couere
    you not conecte you more since and she makes me tros badly e aucouere
    stone you misses me my ducan why me her make me tros wrong in run

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-01-29 17:52:29

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-01-26 15:31:48

    ♠wheni feel you my heart is so light

    when you are there my respiration is so fast and sudenlystops for about 40secconds

    when i se your facemw heart beat ,sing and dance in me

    who are you?is it you o r me

    when will i know the thruth on the faithfuk day. t love you my sweat heard

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-01-26 09:52:51

    ♠wheni feel you my heart is so light

    when you are there my respiration is so fast and sudenlystops for about 40secconds

    when i se your facemw heart beat ,sing and dance in me

    who are you?is it you o r me

    when will i know the thruth on the faithfuk day. t love you my sweat heard

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-01-26 09:34:38

    esceque tú el laisera para mí mi pierou

  • jwoo Position : 141 eme 7987 points

    Posté le 2014-01-26 09:31:36

    surkooliz él ya gente simpaticona, como de arpía, yo adoro kooliz
    le quiero, mi frere, mi papá, mi mere y mi soure
    mi bff, maplv y mi amoure, le adoro nunca tiene.

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