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Fiche de Jenna Parker

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Les commentaires envoyés à Jenna Parker

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  • Jenna Parker Position : 149 eme 7706 points

    Posté le 2021-06-25 22:38:36

    Bruh dogs are too common, i prefer to stand out (:

    But I just found out that you have one, so it doesn't count x)

    And me with the mocha cookie frapuccino then (;


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  • Francisco linx Position : 104 eme 9199 points

    Posté le 2021-06-25 19:48:12

    blablabla im not good with snakes,... i will get you a dog.

    okay so now we flexing ? so you choosing a lambo instead of driving with me in My bugatti centodieci?

    well i will go with the caramel one

  • Jenna Parker Position : 149 eme 7706 points

    Posté le 2021-06-25 18:24:17

    Hum first of all, it's not a "thing", it's my veeery gentle snake x)

    And second of all, it's not a problem, i'll take my lambo' 8)

    Can't decide so i'll let u choose first

  • Francisco linx Position : 104 eme 9199 points

    Posté le 2021-06-25 09:19:49

    Okay first of all , u not driving with me to Starbucks with that thing on your neck.. x)

    I got two which one u like the caramel crunch Frappuccino or mocha cookie Frappuccino?

  • Jenna Parker Position : 149 eme 7706 points

    Posté le 2021-04-25 00:04:13

    Omgg good luck twinxouu !

    You can count on me, don't worry about it (;

    Awh but you're the cutest mon jum's

  • Francisco linx Position : 104 eme 9199 points

    Posté le 2021-04-22 19:44:19

    Yeah don't worry I understand, twin for life. 
    i almost have the same problem, I didn't know that I'm writing my financial test in 2 weeks.  
    I might be absent for a while.. I will be back when your holiday start.. just leave me a message when it will start.. so i can make a plan Jenny . Take care .. the cutest sister ever

  • Jenna Parker Position : 149 eme 7706 points

    Posté le 2021-04-22 14:18:28

    Not really, need to focus on my exams so I'm just passing through 😓

    Omg YES, I will definitely come back in summer just to have coffee with u (bc it's the best thing eveeer !!)

    Kisses :*

  • Francisco linx Position : 104 eme 9199 points

    Posté le 2021-04-20 10:38:03

    Are u back yet ? 
    When u back hit me up, we will go for coffee. For a quick catch up .. ;)

  • Jenna Parker Position : 149 eme 7706 points

    Posté le 2021-04-19 22:56:51

    Miss u too twinxou, hope you're doing good !

    Much love ♥

  • Francisco linx Position : 104 eme 9199 points

    Posté le 2021-04-18 17:31:40

    Thanks. So are you , and also I miss u so much..

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