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Fiche de wiz jojlan 29

Les commentaires envoyés à wiz jojlan 29

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  • wiz jojlan 29 Position : 30 eme 18734 points

    Posté le 2022-08-12 14:17:05

    you not here queen

    yes of course, that's right ;)

  • Publicité

  • ☺Adriana☺ Position : 112 eme 8845 points

    Posté le 2022-08-11 22:33:21

    I'm here king,you know where to find me.

    Miss you too

  • wiz jojlan 29 Position : 30 eme 18734 points

    Posté le 2022-08-11 18:30:10

    when u come my queen? really miss u

  • ☺Adriana☺ Position : 112 eme 8845 points

    Posté le 2022-08-09 13:55:09

  • wiz jojlan 29 Position : 30 eme 18734 points

    Posté le 2022-08-09 12:26:01

  • ☺Adriana☺ Position : 112 eme 8845 points

    Posté le 2022-08-06 15:22:00

    oh wow

  • wiz jojlan 29 Position : 30 eme 18734 points

    Posté le 2022-08-06 11:18:17

    Nobody want a ugly girl ...........

  • ☺Adriana☺ Position : 112 eme 8845 points

    Posté le 2022-08-06 02:59:14

    I wish i had one too lol, no one wants me here. HAHA

  • wiz jojlan 29 Position : 30 eme 18734 points

    Posté le 2022-08-06 00:33:30

    i think a crush

    that crazy XD

  • ☺Adriana☺ Position : 112 eme 8845 points

    Posté le 2022-08-05 14:57:15


    looks like you have a fan or a crush lol

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